Meanwhile, in the tanning world, we still have the same ideas as in the nineties. It’s just not fair to all the golden-brown skin lovers.
That is why we publish the 7suns Cosmetics manifesto, which will change the approach to tanning for a long time and will set trends for the coming years.
1. No more being motley and trashy.
Sunbathing is an art and style. In 1923 the fashion world circulated the news of Coco Chanel sunbathing on the beaches of the French Riviera. In the same year, the custom of covering the body from the sun gave way to a new fashion for golden brown skin. Tanning fever has taken over the world.

It’s even hard to imagine how a famous photo would look like if, in the company of the designer, cosmetics designed 100 years later – flashy, bright, and cheesy – were lying on the beach. 7suns offers sachets, tubes, and bottles that not only attract customers’ attention with their design but also subtly decorate the space. Regardless of whether it will be a tanning salon shelf or the bathroom one.
2. No more problems with choosing the right cosmetic.
Can you see this chaos? All the colours and shapes in one place. It is very difficult to understand it, and even impossible to choose the right product for yourself.

Our solution is very simple. We have carefully analysed the customers’ needs and it turned out that most likely if we gathered all tanning enthusiasts in the world, they would use up to twenty different types of cosmetics.The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring.
On this basis, a collection was created that fully exhausts the subject of tanning. 4 series instead of unnecessary 20. 19 cosmetics instead of 100, which no one will remember anyway. Effect? No lost customers and tanning salon employees who are perfectly familiar with the subject of cosmetics.
Golden Collection CODE
3. Zero fake news on the packaging.
The cosmetic is supposed to work. Work well. And at the same time have a wonderful scent and the right consistency. The most important thing, however, is to solve a specific problem, e.g. places that are difficult to tan. When we say that the American Glamour bronzer contains Argan oil and Monoi de Tahiti flower extract, it means that there is enough of it to actually work, not just decorate the label.

Authenticity is what counts at 7suns, therefore, instead of professional models, we invited employees of the sales, laboratory, and accounting departments to the photo session with the presentation of the effects of cosmetics. You can admire the effects of this work on the website, next to the description of each product. They look the same as in reality.
4. With respect to women.
So far, a simple recipe: a naked bum, a large bust, and tons of layers of makeup and Photoshop, was treated by manufacturers of tanning products as the only possible way to present their cosmetics. But… let those who haven’t done it throw a stone first. We are also sprinkling our heads with ashes because unfortunately, the former 7suns have several such creations to their credit.

However, we have the courage to be the first to break with the practice of reducing women to the role of the body, and we have completely changed the way we communicate. The models we chose gained subjectivity, and the cosmetics presented in their company refer to specific lifestyles and attitudes.
Express your support for our revolution in tanning every time you think about choosing a cosmetic that suits you best.